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  • What happens with my contact details after I sent them?
    Your details are not publicly available to other members or other third parties. We take your privacy very serious. Check our privacy policy for more details.
  • What happens after the request for membership is submitted?
    We are testing a few things on the background, meaning that at this point we will complete membership directly for everybody who submits a membership request. In the future, we are planning to get in touch before.
  • What does membership imply practically?
    From a practical point of view, membership means that you will receive the invitations for NOIR events through email and WhatsApp. These will be discounted and might be customized and/or shared before the event is promoted online.
  • Are the events exclusively for members and people having received the invitation personally?
    No, it's possible to bring +1's or to attend if you happened to find us in another way.
  • What if I don't want to receive invitations any more?
    Just send us a message and we will undo membership.
  • Will membership be free in the future?
    We believe that the key to success is always having the option to join for free. However, we might introduce paid memberships as well, which will come with additional perks.

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