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Onze missieverklaring en kernwaarden zijn bij de oprichting van de community in het Engels geformuleerd. We hebben deze exacte bewoording hier laten staan, om op geen enkele wijze te veranderen in onze kern. We verwachten dat de tekst eventueel zelf vertaald kan worden.

"Empowering the individual through the power of the collective"


There is a scientific experiment, where participants have to guess the amount of marbles in a jar. Individually, nobody knows the exact number of course, but remarkably the average of all guesses is significantly proven to be nearly the correct answer. This experiment indicates the power of the group.

Συνέργεια. Synergy: 1 + 1 = ∞


The combined power of two separate agents (for example by cooperation) is greater than the sum of powers achieved by each working separately. We even believe that opportunities have no limits, because when one amplifies the other, the other is able to amplify that person in return and this goes back and forth endlessly.

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The urge to work hard on developing your talents, shortcomings or your personality. The absolute motivation and discipline to strive for your goals. Being (naturally) ambitious doesn’t have to be excluded to careers. People can be ambitious about a social life, an underground hobby, helping society, or physical health as well.


Some say the highest human act is to inspire others. Meeting somebody with a certain wisdom about society, a unique way to handle everyday situations or extensive charismatic fluency in words can add to your own energy and makes you wanting to step up your game immediately.


Being pure, being honest, not letting anybody down who received your word. By acting as an integer person, one builds long lasting bonds of trust with similar souls. To grow together, all the talent of the world and a natural coolness won’t be enough. Having reliable surroundings is the foundation for personal growth.

Vind je dat het NOIR project matcht met jouw persoonlijke missie en waardes? We zijn open om te connecten!

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